The Inspired Global Art Competition

Entries can be made under any of the following four statements

  1. My many cultural identities
  2. Multilingualism to communicate and collaborate
  3. My cultural agency
  4. Intercultural engagement with the world

To enter, complete your details via the form below and attach a high-quality photograph by 12 noon on October 31st 2022.

Entries will be assessed by the panel below in November 2022 and winners will be announced week beginning 5th December 2022

    School Stage Category: Primary (all ages)Middle (y7 to y9)High (exam level, year 10 and above)

    Which category do you wish to enter for (you can enter more than 1 but each different artwork requires you to submit a separate application form).


    Description and explanation of your work (100 words maximum).

    Medium (materials and size).

    I declare that I have produced this work during the academic year 2021 to 2022 and I consent to having my work reproduced (online, in a publication or as part of an exhibition) within the Inspired Schools network.

    Please upload a photo of yourself and a photograph of your artwork with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch). If you have created a sculpture or 3 dimensional piece then please upload up to 3 photographs.

    (Maximum upload size is 8M | File upload type: JPG, PNG, PDF, RAR, ZIP, 7Z)